Tutorials - Data Visualization Essentials
Animated Map
In this tutorial we are going to show you how to create an animated map using Quadrigram. In order to build the animated map, you just need data with a particular layout, a heat map visualizer and an animator control.
Data needs:
You will work with two files.
A file with lon/lat points.
The file must contain, at least, the following layout:
id lon lat id1 lon1 lat1 id2 lon2 lat2 id3 lon3 lat3 The "id" column is going to be the data link in your project and it is an "identifier column". Longitude and latitude must be in decimal system. Those three columns are mandatory but you can add other columns on demand.
A file with value per date period (hours, years, etc.).
id time_1 time_2 id1 id1&time_1 id1&time_2 id2 id2&time_1 id2&time_2 id3 id3&time_1 id4&time_2
In this example we are going to work with two files that contain information of public bike sharing service in Barcelona, known as "bicing".
Load data
Load the first file with bicing stations (BICING_STATIONS) to the project.
Have a look to its content
You can see the first column with stations id and two other columns with latitude and longitude in decimal notation.
Heatmap chart
Select the Heatmap chart and drag the longitude & latitude blocks to their corresponding slots in the Heatmap.
Load data
Load the second file with bicing stations data by hour (BICING_ACTIVITY) to the project.
Have a look to its content
You can see the first column with stations id and N columns. Each N column has the bicing activity for a given hour. The animated heatmap will show one column each "x" seconds so that you can visualize the activity by hour.
Play/Pause Control
Select a Play/Pause Control and drag the block with the activity to its corresponding slot in the control.
Drag the "Current value" output of the control to the Hot spot slot of the heatmap. That way, you will see the bicing activity by hour.
Adding Maps to your project
Making a Data Movie
Using Controls
Synchronize Two Visualizers